La Huasteca Hidalguense
Programa de Desarrollo Urbano y Ordenamiento Territorial de la Huasteca Hidalguense

Location: Huasteca Hidalguense, Mexico  |  Year: 2016
Collaborators: Salvador Herrera, Vanessa Pogacnik Murillo
Client: ONU Habitat
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Traditionally, the Huasteca Hidalguense has received a special attention of state governments, due to their political, social, cultural and territorial complexity.

The Program for the Urban Development and Ordenance of the Territory of the Huasteca Hidalguense, main objectives are to guide the optimal use of the territory, promote the sustainable development of economic activities and raise the quality of life of the population. By strengthening the orderly growth of the metropolitan area through a process and a planning strategy, based on the effective participation of society civil, it is intended to configure, in the short, medium and long term, an organization of the land uses and occupation of the territory in accordance with the potentialities and the same limitations, expectations and aspirations of the population.

# Mexico, Territorial Urbanism
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