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︎ MORALES Samuel and LÓPEZ Armando (eds), Concurso No. 17 - Pulmón Metropolitano de Oriente, Arquine, México DF, 2015, pp. 72, Language: Spanish and English.

The booklet Concurso No. 17 - Pulmón Metropolitano de Oriente is published. It is a recollection of the 12 selected projects of the 2015 competition organized by Arquine. Our first prize winning proposal Landscapes of inclusion is displayed from page 28 to page 33.

︎ DE MEULDER Bruno, LIN Yanliu and SHANNON Kelly, Village in the City, Park Books, Zürich, 2014, pp. 168, Language: Spanish and English.

Village in the City is a book that shows how "villages become engulfed in urban centers as the population and geographic parameters of cities grow." Our research can be found in the chapter Reconsidering Village in the Expanding City – Taihu. 

︎ VIGANO Paola and GIANNOTTI Emanuel (eds), Our Common Risk, Scenarios for the diffuse city , et al. / Edizioni, Milano Italia, 2012, pp. 181, Language: English. Contributions: Advait Jani, Alberto Salis, Alice Brombin, Ana Sabrina Martinez, Andrea Masciantonio, Bernardo Secchi, Carmen Boyer, Christopher Colja, Eline Bugarin, Lauren Abrahams, Lorenzo Fabian, Luisa Siotto, Mariano Andreani, Sofia Pera, Sybrand Tjallinggi, Teodora Constantinescu, and Valerie Raets.

The booklet Our Common Risk – Scenarios for the diffused city is published. It collects the results of the fall semester 2011/2012 of the EMU (IUAV University of Venice) produced by the Master students and profes­sors together with Latitude, in the frame of the 5th International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam (2012). Scenarios for two case studies of the Veneto città diffusa (Vazzola and Monteforte d’Alpone) have been investigated considering environmental risks and conflicts among different groups of interest. The leading questions were: how can be defined a new space of the commons? Can the carrying capacity of a territory be measured? Which recycling strategies can actually reduce or eliminate waste production?

︎ CASTINEIRA Isabel and FONT Antonio, La reforma de la Gran Vía - Un projecte de futur, ETSAV, Barcelona, 2011, pp. 94, Language: Catalan and Spanish. Contributions: Ana Sabrina Martinez, Ana Neto, Andrea Voigt, Angelica Salazar, Carmen Boyer, Pau Fuster, Sofia Pera, Sonia Adamuz, Xavier Ribera, Tomas de Castro.

The booklet La reforma de la Gran Vía – Un projecte de futur is published. It collects the results of the urban analysis & design proposals of the spring semester 2011/2012 of the EMU (Universidad Politècnica de Cataluña) produced by the Master students and professors.


︎ Concursos I Competitions; Concurso No. 17 Pulmón Metropolitano de Oriente. Arquine No. 72, page 37, Summer 2015. [link]

︎ Taking the Totalitarian City for a Walk, Zeppelin No. 113, pages 106 -108, April / 2013. [link]

︎ Engaging Lots, A right to housing? in the city, pages 44- 48, Spring 2013. [link]

Interviews and Radio

︎ MARTÍNEZ Ana Sabrina, 2015 July 26, interviewed by Helena Paucar, Cuatro diseños urbanos ‘verdes’ para rescatar el estero Salado, El Comercio [online], link, [2015 August 28]

︎ MARTÍNEZ Ana Sabrina, 2015 July 30, interviewed for El Universo, Urbanismo y ecología para el Estero Salado, El Universo [online], link, [2015 August 28]

︎ ILIE Bogdan and MARTÍNEZ Ana Sabrina, 2015 May 15, interviewed by Irma Gallo, Concurso No. 17 Pulmón Metropolitano de Oriente, reconversión del futuro, Noticias22 Agencia [online], link, [2015 August 28]

︎ ILIE Bogdan and MARTÍNEZ Ana Sabrina, 2015 april 27, interviewed by Andrea Griborio, LA HORA ARQUINE I Radio Arquitectura,  link, [2015 August 28]


︎ Conference: Después del Aeropuerto. Reflexiones sobre agua, ciudad e infraestructura.

Lecture series: “Planeación, diseño, construcción, operación y mantenimiento de infraestructura aeroportuaria.”
Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, a través de la División de Ingenierías Civil y Geomática y el Departamento de Hidráulica.
Speaker: Ana Martínez & Bogdan Ilie.

︎ Conference: Cruzando Escalas.

Lecture series: "Semestre Enero-Mayo 2015."
Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad Anáhuac, Querétaro.
Speaker: Ana Martínez & Bogdan Ilie.


︎ ILIE Bogdan, Water as a tool for interviewing systematic landscapes, Thesis for obtaining the Master in Urbanism and Strategic Planning, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2013, pp 410, Promotor: LOECKX André. Tutor and coordinator: KORNAROPOULOU Sotiria (51N4E). Co-tutor: PERSYN Freek (51N4E).

︎ MARTÍNEZ Ana Sabrina, Ecatepec de Morelos - Landscapes of Inclusion and their moving spaces,
Thesis for obtaining the Master in Urbanism and Strategic Planning, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2013, pp 146, Promotor: DE MEULDER Bruno.

Online I En linea

︎ La redacción, 2015 May 14, Anuncian ganadores del concurso para rehabilitar el espacio del AICM, Revista Proceso [online], link, [2015 August 28]

︎ Comunicado de Prensa, 2015 May 14, Genera 178 propuestas la reconversión del terreno del Aeropuerto capitalino, Secretaría de Cultura CDMX [online], link, [2015 August 28]

︎ Cultura, 2015 May 13, “Paisaje de inclusión” gana 17 edición del Concurso Arquine, Notimex [online], link, [2015 August 28]

︎ CRUZ Daniela, 2015 March 19, Ganadores del Concurso Arquine 17: Pulmón Metropolitano de Oriente, ArchDaily México [online], link, [2015 August 28]

︎ RedacciónAM, 2015 March 13, Proponen convertir AICM en parque metropolitano, Al momento Noticias [online], link, [2015 August 28]

︎ PÁRAMO Arturo, 2015 March 12, Proyectan parque con espejos de agua en predio que dejará el AICM, Excelsior [online], link, [2015 August 28]

︎ MARSHALL Victoria, 2013 July 31, Adapting Meadowmere, in Who creates the art of Urban Practice?, The Nature of Cities, [online], link, [2015 August 28]

︎ ZORZINI Catalin, 2013 March 7, An Unexpected Urban Baggage, Inspired Magazine [online], link, [2015 August 28]

︎ BADGER Emily, 2013 March 13, If Your City Were Wrecked by Totalitarian Urban Planners, From the Atlantic City Lab [online], link, [2015 August 28]

︎ CLARKE Keir, 2013 March 17, The Google Maps of the Week, Maps Mania [online], link [2015 August 22]

︎ CLARKE Keir, 2013 March 11, Socialist Town Planning in San Francisco, Maps Mania [online], link, [2015 August 20]

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